Mining Proposals (WA)
- Section 74(1) (ca) of the Mining Act 1978 requires an application for a mining lease must be accompanied by either a mining proposal (or a statement and mineralisation report)
- A mining proposal must be submitted on EARS (Environmental Assessment and Regulatory System) online.
- The mining proposal will be assessed by an environmental officer of DMIRS, who will make recommendations to the Mineral Titles Branch.
- A new guideline was introduced in 2016 that transitions to one mining proposal for the whole of mine that is amended over time as required
- Existing sites have 6 years to transitions to the new Guidelines
- The superseded Guidelines for Mining Proposals
- The new 2016 Mining Proposal Guidelines
- Link to DMIRS 's page on the reform of the Mining Proposal requirements Mining Proposal Reform
DMIRS will refer a Mining Proposal to the EPA for the reasons outlined in the MOU between DMIRS and EPA
This is where a Mining Proposal is of significant proposal under the Part IV of the EP Act or for the following criteria (offshore criteria are not shown):
- Environmentally Sensitive Areas including:
- Within 500m of World Heritage Property
- Within 500m of a Bush Forever site
- Within 500m of a Threatened Ecological Community
- Within 500m of defined wetlands (including Ramsar wetlands, ANCA wetlands, Conservation category wetlands)
- Area containing rare flora Area covered by an Environmental Protection Policy.
- Within 500m of a declared/proposed State Conservation Estate, including National Park, Nature Reserve, Conservation Park, or State Forest and Timber Reserves.
- Within a Public Drinking Water Source Area.
- Within 2 kilometres of a declared occupied town site (for Mining Proposals and petroleum Environment Plans only).
- Hydraulic fracturing exploration and development activities.
- Activities within the Strategic Assessment for the Perth Peel Region and potentially in conflict with the outcomes of the Strategic Assessment.
- Area previously or currently subject to formal assessment by the EPA.