Mining Proposals (WA)
Under s74(1)(ca) of the Mining Act 1978 requires an application for a mining lease must be accompanied by either a mining proposal (or a statement and mineralisation report)
- A mining proposal must be submitted on EARS (Environmental Assessment and Regulatory System) online.
- The mining proposal will be assessed by an environmental officer of DMIRS, who will make recommendations to the Mineral Titles Branch.
- A new guideline was introduced in 2016 that transitions to one mining proposal for the whole of mine that is amended over time as required
- Existing sites have 6 years to transitions to the new Guidelines
- The superseded Guidelines for Mining Proposals
- The new 2016 Mining Proposal Guidelines
- Link to DMIRS 's page on the reform of the Mining Proposal requirements Mining Proposal Reform
DMIRS will refer a Mining Proposal to the EPA for the reasons outlined in the MOU between DMIRS and EPA
This is where a Mining Proposal is of significant proposal under the Part IV of the EP Act or for the following criteria (offshore criteria are not shown):
- Environmentally Sensitive Areas including:
- Within 500m of World Heritage Property
- Within 500m of a Bush Forever site
- Within 500m of a Threatened Ecological Community
- Within 500m of defined wetlands (including Ramsar wetlands, ANCA wetlands, Conservation category wetlands)
- Area containing rare flora Area covered by an Environmental Protection Policy.
- Within 500m of a declared/proposed State Conservation Estate, including National Park, Nature Reserve, Conservation Park, or State Forest and Timber Reserves.
- Within a Public Drinking Water Source Area.
- Within 2 kilometres of a declared occupied town site (for Mining Proposals and petroleum Environment Plans only).
- Hydraulic fracturing exploration and development activities.
- Activities within the Strategic Assessment for the Perth Peel Region and potentially in conflict with the outcomes of the Strategic Assessment.
- Area previously or currently subject to formal assessment by the EPA.
Other Government Departments that may need consulting or approval are:
- Department of Environment Regulation (administers the works approvals and licences (or registration) required for the construction and operation of all prescribed premises under Part V of the EP Act and the Contaminated Sites Act 2003),
- Department of Parks and Wildlife (administering the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 and the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984)
- Department of Water (administering the Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914, Metropolitan Water Supply Sewerage and Drainage Act 1909, Country Areas Water Supply Act 1947, Waterways Conservation Act 1976, Water Agencies (Powers) Act 1984 and Water Services Act 2012).
- The Clth Government under Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (operates independent of the State)
- Department of State Development (administers State Agreements)