Northern Territory
The administration of mineral tenure is primarily through the Mineral Titles Act and Mineral Titles Regulations by the Minister for Primary Industry, Fisheries and Resources.
Relevant Legislation
- Department of Mines and Energy: MINING MANAGEMENT ACT (laws relating to the conduct of exploration and mining activities including environmental protection & assessement, OHS in the Territory) Mining Management Act
Types of Mineral Titles
- Mineral Exploration Licences (EL)
- Mineral Exploration Licences in retention (ELR)
- Extractive Mineral Exploration Licences (EMEL)
- Mineral Leases (ML)
- Extractive Mineral Permits (EMP)
- Extractive Mineral Leases (EML)
- Mineral Authorities on Reserved Land (MA)
Clayton Utz Pty Ltd provide a comprehensive summary of the regulation of mineral titles and definition of the type of mineral tiles click on the following link: here