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57(4) Areas
Annual and Interim Rates Notices (WA)
Annual Environmental Report (AER) (WA)
Annual Technical Report (Vic)
Annual, Partial Surrender and Final Reports (QLD)
Application for Forfeiture (WA)
Area Reductions (QLD)
Compliance with Expenditure Condition (Regulation 82) (NT)
Conditional Surrender (QLD)
Contaminated Sites (WA)
Critical Actions
Crown Land (WA)
DMIRS Environmental Non-compliance and Incident Reporting Requirements (WA)
EPA Consultation (WA)
Expenditure (Vic)
Expiry and Extension of Term (Renewal) (NT)
Expiry and Extension Of Term (Renewal) (WA)
Exploration Licence - Application (WA)
Exploration Licence (EL) (SA)
Exploration Licence (WA)
Exploration Licence Partial Surrender (WA)
Exploration Permit Geothermal Energy (EPG) (QLD)
Exploration Permit Minerals (EPM) (QLD)
Form 5 and Exemption from Expenditure (WA)
General Purpose Lease (WA)
Glossary of NT terminology
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Hints and Tips
How to Calculate Expenditure Commitment (Covent) (NT)
How to Edit Wiki
How to Pay Rent or Fees (NT)
Local Government Areas (WA)
Lodge an Expenditure Report (Form 17) (NT)
Mandatory Online Submissions of Operations Reports
Maps (WA)
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Mine Operator Notification (QLD)
Mineral Exploration Reporting (NSW)
Mineral Exploration Reporting (SA)
Mineral Exploration Reporting (WA)
Mining Claim (Claim) (QLD)
Mining Lease - Application (WA)
Mining Lease (WA)
Mining Proposals (WA)
Mining Reporting (SA)
Miscellaneous Licence - Application (WA)
Miscellaneous Licence (WA)
MRF- Mining Rehabilitation Fund (WA)
Native TItle (QLD)
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Prospecting Licence (WA)
Prospecting Permit (PP) (QLD)
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Renewal or Subsequent Application (NSW)
Renewal or Subsequent Application (SA)
Renewals (QLD)
Rent Payments (QLD)
Rents (NSW)
Rents (SA)
Rents (Vic)
Rents (WA)
Retention Licence - Application (WA)
Retention Licence (WA)
Section 40E Permit
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South Australia
Special Prospecting Licence (WA)
Statutory Declarations and Affidavits Execution (WA)
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Tenement Application (SA)
Tenement Application (WA)
Tenement Applications (QLD)
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Tenement Management
Tenement Management Wiki
Tools of the Trade
Training Resources
Useful Links / Online Services
Using LandTracker Maps
WA Critical Actions - Understanding and Interpretation
Warden and Court Cases (WA)
Western Australia