Annual and Interim Rates Notices (WA) |
Annual Environmental Report (AER) (WA) |
Annual Technical Report (Vic) |
Annual, Partial Surrender and Final Reports (QLD) |
Application for Forfeiture (WA) |
Area Reductions (QLD) |
Argentina |
Botswana |
Canada |
Chile |
Colombia |
Compliance with Expenditure Condition (Regulation 82) (NT) |
Conditional Surrender (QLD) |
Contaminated Sites (WA) |
Crown Land (WA) |
DMIRS Environmental Non-compliance and Incident Reporting Requirements (WA) |
Ecuador |
EPA Consultation (WA) |
Expenditure (Vic) |
Expiry and Extension of Term (Renewal) (NT) |
Expiry and Extension Of Term (Renewal) (WA) |
Exploration Licence - Application (WA) |
Exploration Licence (EL) (SA) |
Exploration Licence (WA) |
Exploration Licence Partial Surrender (WA) |
Exploration Permit Geothermal Energy (EPG) (QLD) |
Exploration Permit Minerals (EPM) (QLD) |
Form 5 and Exemption from Expenditure (WA) |
General Purpose Lease (WA) |
Glossary of NT terminology |
Graticular Blocks (WA) |
Hints and Tips |
How to Calculate Expenditure Commitment (Covent) (NT) |
How to Pay Rent or Fees (NT) |
Jurisdiction |
Local Government Areas (WA) |
Lodge an Expenditure Report (Form 17) (NT) |
Mandatory Online Submissions of Operations Reports |
Maps (WA) |
Mine Closure Plan (WA) |
Mine Operator Notification (QLD) |
Mineral Exploration Reporting (NSW) |
Mineral Exploration Reporting (SA) |
Mineral Exploration Reporting (WA) |
Mining Claim (Claim) (QLD) |
Mining Lease - Application (WA) |
Mining Lease (WA) |
Mining Proposals (WA) |
Mining Reporting (SA) |
Miscellaneous Licence - Application (WA) |
Miscellaneous Licence (WA) |
MRF- Mining Rehabilitation Fund (WA) |
Native TItle (QLD) |
Native Title (WA) |
Native Title and Aboriginal Heritage (WA) |
Native Vegetation Clearing (WA) |
Nevada |
New South Wales |
New Zealand |
Northern Territory |
Notice of Intention to Commence Work (Vic) |
Objections to Tenement Applications (WA) |
Papua New Guinea |
Part V Works Approvals and Licences (WA) |
Pastoral Lease Notification (QLD) |
Pastoral Leases (WA) |
Peru |
Private Land (WA) |
Programme of Work (WA) |
Prospecting Licence - Application (WA) |
Prospecting Licence (WA) |
Prospecting Permit (PP) (QLD) |
Queensland |
Reduction of Area (NT) |
Renewal (Vic) |
Renewal or Subsequent Application (NSW) |
Renewal or Subsequent Application (SA) |
Renewals (QLD) |
Rent Payments (QLD) |
Rents (NSW) |
Rents (SA) |
Rents (Vic) |
Rents (WA) |
Retention Licence - Application (WA) |
Retention Licence (WA) |
Section 40E Permit |
South Africa |
South Australia |
Special Prospecting Licence (WA) |
Statutory Declarations and Affidavits Execution (WA) |
Tasmania |
Tenement Application (NSW) |
Tenement Application (SA) |
Tenement Application (WA) |
Tenement Applications (QLD) |
Tenement Grant (QLD) |
Tengraph |
Victoria |
WA Critical Actions - Understanding and Interpretation |
Warden and Court Cases (WA) |
Western Australia |